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Merits of studying in the UK

The UK is one of the most desired destinations in the world for students looking to study abroad.

According to the UK Council for International Student Affairs,4,42,375 foreign students were attending university in the UK in 2016-17. Comprising of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, the UK has been one of the first choices for many Nepalese students every year. So, what is it that sets the UK apart from other \prized options such as the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or Germany? Why do so many students from Nepal yearn to go to the UK for further studies every year? Let’s look at a few possible reasons:

Top-notch Universities:

The UK has a diverse array of Top Universities. Some esteemed institutions include the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, Imperial College, London, University College of London, and the London School of Economics and Political Science. It is not surprising then that in the UK, 11 Universities rank in the top 100, another 18 Universities in the top 200, and about ten more are ranked amongst the top 300 in the world.

Tuition Costs:

UK has an edge over the US due to cheaper tuition and accommodation rates. Studying abroad can be expensive and most of the burden is borne by your parents, so it is always practical to look for options which fall within your budget. In the UK, the tuition fees for undergraduate and graduate students can vary from £10,000 and above. As opposed to the US, the duration of both the UG and MS programs are shorter in the UK. In the UK, you can finish your bachelor’s degree in three years and your master’s degree in a year.

Seamless Application Process:

Nepalese students find it easier to apply to Universities in the UK, than in the US due to a far more seamless procedure which eliminates all stumbling blocks in the way, at least for undergraduate applications. One can apply anywhere in the country through one common portal, more famously known as the UCAS, which ensures that you can put forth your candidature to a maximum of 5 Universities. Applying to UK Universities means you save a considerable amount of time as the writing requirements are minimal (for example, one Statement of Purpose is adequate).

Work While Studying:

The standard norm for students is to work for up to 20 hours a week, at an hourly pay of £10-£12. Unique opportunities can be found in any field. For example, if you are doing a major in Finance, you can attain an internship in an accounting firm and work as an apprentice under an accountant. Similarly, you can function as a paralegal in a law firm while pursuing your law degree. Such internships are a golden opportunity to add something worthwhile to your Resume and grasp hands-on knowledge through on the job learning.

Work Permit:

It is a constant worry for students whether they will be able to secure a job, post the completion of their degree or will have to pack their bags to return to Nepal. Much to your relief, the UK has a plethora of opportunities for students, and if you are considering staying back to find employment, you need not fret.

Scholarship Opportunities:

Sustaining and supporting yourself in the UK comes with enormous costs and the Universities understand this as much as you do. Financing your education becomes relatively easier with the aid provided by merit-based scholarships. This is coupled with academic excellence awards which hand out about 20-25% fee discounts, which is bound to ease your overall burden.

The UK still has an old-world charm about it, balanced nicely with modern infrastructure. Academically speaking, the UK has some of the best departments and faculties/researchers in the world to guide you in achieving your career ambitions. All this and more at affordable costs & a multicultural society to go along. Studying in the UK could be one of the best decisions you’ll ever take!

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